One of the most common questions I get from men...
What type of Hairline is best? round or square?
To me, the absolute PERFECT HAIRLINE for men would be described as :
A "Square" Hairline (with rounded corners) . That may be too much for some Stylists and then there are others like me, super picky. See this cut directly below...that is absolutely square(no rounded corner)now look at the last one on this post..That has the bit of a rounded corner I am speaking of. Both are fine, the last one is perfect. Take both photos in to show them if you want.
These top 2 necklines are excellent..this bottom one is a brand new cut so it looks a little..well,cut,in 1-2 days it will be perfect
This is what was a ROUND neckline, grown in...with the Half-Pint clippers his room mate - brother- g/f or wife can zap it off in 30 seconds. {I have plenty of guys that claim to have some contraption set up in their place so they can use the HALF PINT clippers & do it themself!}
Another PERFECT HAIRLINE..a bit grown-in...but finely shaped. Round hairlines are a tad feminine and give off the wrong esthetic look and feel to the neck, jawbone and profile of a man.
the proper hair line for a Mohawk - the square also works .. see how this comes to a point almost ? that lends itself to the shape of the hawk itself. If you have never tried a mini mohawk . . . you need to. They look good on a lot more people than wear them, chicks adore them.
Girls absolutely love when men have the confidence to wear their hair different, you know how great it is to see a girl with confidence - ditto for men.
The "hairline" is what is seen on you men the most, you just don't realize it.
This is not what we want to see, keep it trimmed in between cuts. There is a tiny set of clippers called "HALF PINT", perfect for keeping the hairline up on your own - in between haircuts. invest in a pair -- they last forever & are under $20.
absolutely Perfect .. Print this out, take to your Stylist
Take control over your hair cut..(not rudely)..but like you should when you are paying good money for it. Tell them this is what you want, any and all Stylists are very very used to clients bringing in photos-we like it-it clarifies shit. If you spend more on the cut then you have the right to specify exactly what you would like, if you spend $10.00 at SuperCuts, well I can't say it enough, you get what you pay for. Remember find someone that cuts mainly with the Scissor-over-Comb technique -- NOT clippers.
BTW...with a head full of Curls, the hair line does not need to be quite as precise, as it is not seen in the same manner, if there are any questions on this please post in the comments section.
Any questions?